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About #

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and the Mathematical Institute for Data Science with a secondary appointment in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. Before that, I was Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech hosted by Venkat Chandrasekaran and Joel Tropp. I obtained my PhD in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University advised by Damek Davis. I completed a MSc in Mathematics and two BS in Mathematics, and in Systems and Computing Engineering at Universidad de los Andes.

Research interests #

I am interested in the beautiful interplay between optimization, geometry, and statistics and its applications to data science, machine learning and signal processing.

Group #

I’m lucky to advice and learn from:

If you are interested in working with me: I prioritize students who have taken a class with me and I know before hand. Additionally, please make sure to contact me well in advance; I prefer to have at least a year to develop a project together.

Contact #

email: < first_name > dd < at > jhu < dot > edu
office: Wyman S429